摄政王的邪医魔妃 (She Zheng Wang De Xie Yi Mo Fei)


No of Episodes : 108

Author : 濯明月于漣漪 (Zhuo Ming Yue Yu Lian Yi)

Female Voice : 木夕然 (Mu Xi Ran)

Audiobook   Ebook


This story is very similar to 鬼王的金牌宠妃 (Gui Wáng De Jīn Pái Chong Fēi).  I listed a few similarities under the summary. GWDJPCF is much nicer to listen cause it was recorded in multiple voices.  This book was recorded in female voice only.  However this book is much shorter compared to GWDJPCF.  Each episode is only around 12-15 mins but after episode 70 onward, the duration for each episode lasts around 30 mins.


FL (Zi Mo You Se) was abandoned by her family because of her unattractive looks and lack of talent.  She has a few assistants that are expert in healing, martial arts and FL herself has a lot of skills and hide her true beauty from the general public.  FL was betrothed to ML, a Wang Ye from another country called Le Huo Ching Chang.  Male Lead was poisoned since young.   There was also a mystery revolving around her birth.


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